Mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological, social well-being and trauma- related health. It influences our thoughts, feelings, actions, and how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.

Emotional:  Is crucial aspect of overall well-being. It encompasses our ability to acknowledge and manage both positive and negative emotions.

Signs of Struggling Emotional Health:

1. Isolation: Withdrawing from friends, family, or coworkers.

2. Energy Changes: Unusual fatigue or changes in sleep patterns.

3. Appetite Changes: Eating too much or too little.

4. Substance Use: Increased reliance on substances (e.g., alcohol, cigarettes).

5. Racing Thoughts: Overthinking or feeling overwhelmed.

6. Work Performance: Decreased productivity.

7. Interpersonal Conflicts: More conflicts than usual.

8. Negative Feelings: Irritability, guilt, hopelessness, or worthlessness.

9. Self-Care Neglect: Ignoring personal hygiene

Physical: Physical health is more than just how fit you are. It encompasses how well your organs and body systems function.

  • Physical activity reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • It promotes better sleep and boosts mood.

Social well-being:   Is a vital aspect of our overall health and happiness. It involves developing and sustaining meaningful relationships with others, which allows us to feel authentic, valued, and connected. Social well-being is essential for our mental health. Without it, we risk becoming socially isolated, which can lead to loneliness and negative feelings.


Trauma-related mental health:  Encompasses a range of conditions that can arise from experiencing psychologically devastating events.