Family Health

                             Finding your way

Family Health is simply the tools needed to improve on your current and future situation. As a new CO Family. We want to focus on

The process of growth and learning doesn’t always yield a single best solution for preventing certain situations. However, these tools will help you navigate your way forward.

1. Cohesiveness : Sharing responsibilities beyond individual benefit. Cohesion generally enhances the health of all family members

2. Open Communication (Conflict management): is essential for maintaining strong relationships and promoting overall well-being and has been found to be dynamic & nurturing. It’s most often characterized by openness, honesty, empathy, and respect.

3.  Leading by example: is a powerful way to promote family health; this will help get the day to day life back together.

4.  Setting clear expectations: within a family is crucial for maintaining good mental health and promoting positive relationships. having clear expectations is an important aspect as it helps establish boundaries.